I just returned from a CREDO conference. It’s kind of like a sleep away camp for clergy. Inclusive of camp activities, camp rituals, and camp songs. If you consider workshops and worship focused on your spiritual, emotional, physical, vocational, and financial well being as super fun camp stuff! Three and a half days of the six day conference were back to back info sessions and workshops and worship and meals. There were great instructors and great clergy comrades, both of whom I am grateful for, but this was WAY too much for even my extroverted soul!

Upon return I have come to learn that I am an omnivert – a hybrid of extra-intra-vert on the Myers- Brigg’s spectrum. (Thank you, National Geographic!) We need and crave a little of each. Maybe this is true of you too. I believe it is likely true of most of the human family. We are on a spectrum not in a box.

Overwhelmed by people time, this may sound crazy, I could not wait to get home to reunite with Cheshire & Charlie, my two ginger cats!😺😺 Those of you have followed Unorthodox & Unhinged may recall too early posts: Not Ready to be a Cat Lady & Ready to be a Cat Lady. Well, seven years in, I am def the latter.

I missed their clown car humor, drunk acrobatic antics, and seemingly endless ability to be adorable – even while scratching up my furniture. Apparently they also missed me. Immediately upon my arrival home they were eager to inspect my luggage and help me unpack.

(Animals can be the best kind of people when you are looking for a friend.😺😺)

With very little internet access much of the time at the conference, I did not even have the consolation of cat videos from my Instagram feed. Below are a few that offered immediate gratification once I arrived at the Fresno airport and awaited my flight. I pass them along so you can enjoy them too if you ever find yourself amongst too many people and not enough cats 😺 (or dogs😊, depending on your preference!) 

NOTE: This blog post can also be found on Emmanuel Voices.
